Quilting, stitching, crocheting


Monday, April 2, 2012

Hello again

My dear blog- friends ... please do not give up on me.  At my last post none of the pictures came thru.  This was the same problem I had when I stopped blogging before.  This time tho,  I am determined not to give up or quit . 

 My mother-in-law has been visiting for the past 2 months so I did not feel free to totally dedicate myself to solving my computer problems. She has returned home so now I can solve this problem .... AGAIN.  Took some pictures today with my real camera (not phone camera) and am off to the Apple Store tomorrow to solve this problem once and for all.  Have tried everything and everyone else prior to this .... so now it is time to finally pull myself up by my boot straps and go to the source.

It is not that I have any magnificent works to show you ... or that I am a GREAT writer or picture taker or even quilter.  But  you guys are great to communicate and share with.  Will let you know how it goes.

Much love, Joanne