Quilting, stitching, crocheting


Saturday, May 29, 2010

Busy, busy, busy !!!

I haven't forgotten my new friends in blogland but my DD2's wedding is now just a week away!!  Altho it is to be a "simple" affair ... simple involves more than the word implies. So between wedding drama, family drama, health issues and work drama ..... I have been away from everyone.  I visit my neighbors here but do not leave notes and obviously have not posted in a while.

BUT ... I have found a little time to sew.  My Pinwheel Party is just 1 block away from finishing ... I even made extra squares as the original quilt was too small for my purposes. And working a little on a quilt of strips with Minkee fabrics.  Boy, that fabric is a bear to work with even with a walking foot and a simple design !!!  Sewing is therapy to keep me sane and therefore a necessity!!  It works too !!

Wedding is this coming Saturday, June 5. Family and friends we have not seen in forever will be there.  Will tell you all about it next week.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Pinwheel Party

I wanted to take a quilting class when this journey first began. But I realized that with my work schedule and health issues .... it just was not possible.  So I have joined a couple of online "sew-alongs".  Today I am totally caught up with the Pinwheel Party at Twiddletails.blogspot.com.  The origional quilt has a black background which I love, but I let my 11 year old DGD pick out her own colors

These are pictures of what I have done.  Oh I do not have a design wall, but I do have a "design floor".

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Remembering Aunt Helen

Last weekend when I was cleaning out my big linen closet, one of the treasures I found was a quilt top given to me by my Aunt Helen. She had made the gorgeous Log Cabin all in blues and pinks.  Log Cabin is one of my favorite patterns.  We traded quilts the day she gave it to me ... I gave her one of my scrappy quilts that I called Heart Scraps.

Two days later I learned my aunt had passed on ... just a few days shy of her 83rd birthday.  It was a shock because she had not been sick very long and Aunt Helen had lots of health issues all her life.  She had been at death's door so often that no one thought much of the fact she was in the hospital again.  She had always rallied before ... much to the amazement of her family and doctors!!  But this time was different and I honestly think SHE decided it was time to go to her heavenly Home.  She has many family members there to greet her and one of her precious great-grandchildren to hold.

She was a strong and vibrant person.  She could take charge of any chaotic situation and have everyone organized and functioning in no time.  She raised her daughter alone in a day and age when divorced single-moms were somewhat rare .... so was divorce, for that matter.  She was an RN and worked very hard her whole life.  She was still working up until her brief illness ... she babysat elderly folks for their families ... arriving in her own car and walking to their door with her walker !  Also not long before this illness she was babysitting her great-grandchildren ..... what a joyous blessing for her!

She was an avid quilter.  We often traded books, patterns and fabrics over the years.  There was a period of time that I would send all my fabric pieces and scraps to her and her daughter, Cathy.  They were making quilts out of any fabric handy for the homeless people in the area (Dayton,OH).  They did this for quite a while ... all by themselves.  My cousin told me today that her casket was draped with her last totally handmade quilt (finished in Oct).  And the church pews were all draped with her quilts too.  Oh my, what a tribute to her !!  They also found my Heart Scrap quilt on her bed !!

But what I remember most about Aunt Helen is her unconditional love !!  She was there for me during some very dark times in my life!!  She was always a large woman and she loved to hug .... getting one of her hugs was so very healing & wonderful ... totally enveloped in her love.  Oh, how she laughed .... a lot.  Her laugh was infectious.  She suffered in her life and life was hard for her but she always had a smile and a big laugh and freely loved us all !!!

Her daughter, her grandchildren and her 6 great-grandchildren all loved her greatly !  They learned how to love and quilt !!!

This is the quilt top she gave me.  Please excuse Miss Kitty, she thinks I laid this out just for her !

Her seams were PERFECT .... and Prairie Points all around,  Am going to miss her !!!