I have had nonstop company since May. People coming and going from all over the place. All people I love seeing and whose company I enjoy, but it is time for a break ..... please!
One visitor was a friend I call my "forever friend" because we have been friends for over 30 years which I find amazing considering how much I moved around over these 30 years. She has ended up iliving in a place that I grew up in ... Syracuse, NY. And I have ended up living in her hometown ... San Diego, CA. I KNOW I got the better deal !
While she was here, I helped her make a quilt top for her bed at home. She kept saying she was going to take it home to quilt. I knew I could not do it for her. After some honest soul searching, she admitted she would never quilt it. So I finished it into a duvet cover for her with matching shams. It is lovely!
Despite all my visitors and working at my day-job I stayed true to my comittment to sew. I did a little here and a little there. I got the top to my DGD's Pinwheel Party cuddle-quilt finished .... even adding about 10 or 12 extra blocks so it would be the right size for her AND I started my DD1's minkee quilt. I must have been insane the day I committed myself to that project .... that fabric is hard to work with !!
I promise to post pictures this weekend, but I wanted to pop in and say hello so I can comfortably visit all your blogs and leave a greeting. Later .......